Are you among the people worried that AI might take over the world? You shouldn’t be worried as embracing AI is crucial. AI has the potential to enhance our lives and bring about positive changes. If you’re wondering about why we should welcome AI, read on.

The fear that AI might replace jobs is a valid concern, especially when considering the cost-effectiveness of AI performing tasks for free or at a fraction of the cost. This concern is particularly pronounced among older individuals and those from developing countries. 

Learning a new skill and starting over in a new industry becomes more challenging for older individuals, intensifying their concerns when AI can now perform their jobs. Similarly, people from developing countries can face similar issues as AI has the potential to replace their affordable labor, adding to the extent of their worries.

For the rest of us, embracing these changes is essential, as such transformations are not new and have been occurring for a long time. Just like those who raised horses had to adapt when the automobile was invented, it’s important to recognize that such shifts bring about new opportunities and advancements.

While jobs may evolve, it’s important to remember that technological advancement, like the advent of the automobile, not only displaces but also creates new employment opportunities, ultimately enhancing our lives in significant ways. 

Why are human scared of AI?

Is AI Going to Take My Job?

The potential for AI to take jobs is already happening in some industries to an extent. Let’s look at a few sectors affected by AI currently and assess the magnitude of its impact from the list below. It’s essential to note that the opinions and experiences shared below are purely personal and based on my perspectives. Predicting the future remains uncertain, and these insights reflect my viewpoint rather than definitive forecasts.

  • Art – If you’re an artist, chances are you’re familiar with Midjourney—an application that transforms text into stunning drawings and art. It’s just one of several applications, including Adobe, Creative Fabrica, and Canva, that offer the power of AI to effortlessly generate artwork from simple text. The ease with which these tools create art is a testament to the growing influence of AI in the art industry. Faced with the AI revolution, artists may need to explore unique ways to ensure the survival and relevance of their skills in the changing creative landscape. 
  • Writing – As a fellow blogger heavily engaged in content creation, I’ve noticed the rise of AI-generated writing across the internet. Despite its prevalence, I remain optimistic, considering that current AI still produces content often with significant errors. I anticipate it might take another five years for AI to consistently generate high-quality content without requiring constant correction. I don’t envision a scenario where AI overtakes original written content, especially as lazy writers utilizing AI may end up generating duplicate content as all the other lazy writers. I believe the day AI can write original content is the day it gains consciousness, and we may have something bigger to worry about.
  • Voice – If you’re a narrator, chances are you’ve encountered AI as a competitor in the job market. Many are opting for AI-generated voiceovers to cut costs, given the expense of hiring a human narrator. I confess to using AI voices myself, feeling uncertain about my voice. While I sense that AI might take over about 90% of basic narration tasks, where emotional depth and voice flexibility are less critical, more advanced projects may still demand the nuanced touch of a human narrator. Although this sector might face a significant impact, I don’t foresee it being entirely wiped out by AI.
  • Videos – AI-generated videos are becoming increasingly common on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. Currently, AI seems limited to producing only basic videos, posing no imminent threat to human video creators. The outcome in this field remains uncertain, as seamlessly combining video and voice is still a challenge. Those in the industry may have ample time before serious concerns arise, but given the unpredictable nature of the future and technology, it’s wise to plan accordingly.
  • Music – If you haven’t come across AI-generated music, it’s worth keeping an eye on, especially if you’re a singer. While it’s not as widespread as other AI applications, it’s gradually gaining attention. Some AI-generated songs are surprisingly decent, but as a non-singer, I imagine the emotional depth in AI singing might fall short compared to a real performer.  It’s akin to getting financial advice from someone who has no money—it just doesn’t resonate the same way. This might be one reason why big brands often prefer celebrities in their advertisements, relying on genuine human emotion to make a real connection.
  • Driving Service – Among the various AI services, self-driving technology is notably the most anticipated, and many are eager for its arrival sooner rather than later. I hold the belief that once autonomous driving is here, it will eliminate the necessity for human drivers. For those currently in the transportation industry, it might be time to acquire new skills. This way, when autonomous driving is fully implemented, individuals can seamlessly transition.

The industries mentioned above are either already affected or anticipated to be impacted by AI, but it’s important to note that AI can also benefit us. While some sectors face challenges, there are opportunities for certain industries to benefit from AI, especially in tasks that might be less desirable for humans and more labor-intensive.

Can AI replace singer?

Will AI Replace The Human Workforce? 

It’s highly unlikely that AI will completely replace the human workforce, as new jobs typically emerge alongside advancing technology. The historical pattern has been one of the old jobs disappearing while new ones appear to replace them. The more pressing concern lies in specific industries affected by AI and whether the workforce within those industries can adapt quickly enough to secure new employment opportunities or risk being left behind.

AI is a permanent part of our new reality, akin to the automobile replacing horses. Embracing this inevitable change is crucial, as there’s no turning back, just as we wouldn’t return to commuting on horses due to impracticality. This shift is a catalyst for propelling humanity forward at an accelerated pace. 

With the potential for reduced working hours and maintained living standards, AI might lead us towards a 20-hour work week from our 40-hour work week. Historical precedent shows that technology has consistently improved human life, improving our lives rather than being a burden. Let’s welcome the arrival of AI, and cheer for the positive step toward humanity.  

Ai workforce, will they replace human?


The continuous advancement of AI is inevitable, and the most pragmatic approach is to accept and explore how we can leverage it to benefit ourselves. Rather than resisting or boycotting AI, which may leave individuals lagging, it’s wise to embrace the technology and evolve. Learning new skills, especially if your industry is susceptible to AI impact, is recommended. 

I hope this perspective provides a sense of reassurance, emphasizing that AI is not inherently harmful to humanity and, more likely than not, will contribute to making our lives easier. If you enjoy reading this please subscribe to our newsletter at the bottom below. 

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